About Valea Doftanei - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Valea Doftanei recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Valea Doftanei, Muntenia
Doftana Valley village is situated in a picturesque landscape, with many valences of interest and lack of sources of pollution and environmental degradation.
It is located in the northern part of the county Prahova Prahova valley between Teleajen.
Mountainous landscape of this locality is more pronounced to the north, which is adjacent to the county of Brasov. Thence Doftana origin of the high mountains: Orjogoaia, Radela, Cucioaia, Zanoaga, Baiu Mare, Baiu Small, Small-angle high angle. Seen from afar, the mountain high angle, with its geometric lines resembling a pyramid of Egypt, seems purposely here kneading impantata Carpathian landscape. Here are four mountains row, Steiasa, bottoms and a series of "Clabucet" ramificandu.se south.
On river left and slightly to the south are massive Negras (with traces of mineral springs in its feet), Cioparceni, Varfu Mare, Rye, Carabanu, Craitele and right Prislop Lakes, Russian and Floreiul. Their average altitude is 1,600 m. Further, the southern limit of the village guard some knolls, locally called "hillock". Is to the upper forested hillock Secariei (1137 m), marigold and Galmeia hillock (1,043 m) make special note of the whole mountain village perimeter. Thus, varfullor, partly grassed, it is easy arched shape of a Byzantine-style domes. They lack the strident dizzying slopes from other lands, while they also inspire the viewer greatness, calm and balance. By note this feature, they are in harmony with the very large, accessible through the terraces. and where evil wears Doftana.
A major attraction is the lake area maple, and outside trips made on foot, give great satisfaction made by bicycle, walking the land - mountain bike - bicycle path route-Cornu-Campina Doftana Valley, path to degree great difficulty. The surroundings offer many opportunities for visiting tourists and leisure through a natural and significant landscape and recreation area is suitable for hiking. So here you can make backpacking trips on marked routes, light as the degree of difficulty by:
Predelus-Step - 1295 m altitude.
Route 4-5 hours on top-Baiu Mountains, the Great Valley Gagu Floreiului and 1660 m. Peak-peak hours of 6-8 Route Four, Orgojoaia, Cazacu Peak 1753m.
-Trail riding until Posada.
An important event is the "Cascavel Festival - a celebration Campeneasca which is based on a traditional product, called" cheese "with other specific area - which takes place in September.
The picturesque landscape, the hospitality people here, the opportunity to spend unforgettable moments both fishing and hunting, make a point of attraction Doftana Valley favorite fishermen and hunters. Lake Paltinu meets to disclose all conditions necessary for an ideal fishing parties providing satisfaction to spend unforgettable days of parties and excellent fishing.
Valea Doftanei | Doftana Valley village is situated in a picturesque landscape, with many valences of interest and lack of sources of pollution and environmental degradation.
It is located in the northern part of the county Prahova Prahova valley between Teleajen
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