Accommodation in Buftea, Muntenia Romania deals 2025
(0 offers, 50LEI - 500LEI)

About BufteaDetails and images of Buftea


Buftea town sits in the north-west of Ilfov county, 20 km north of Bucharest, Vlasiei Plain, is crossed from north to south of the river Colentina with a series of lakes and surrounded by a thick curtain remaining forests of the ancient woods of testimony here Vlăsia.

Colentina sinuous shores of the shelter of the oldest human settlements favored by many times the natural conditions of the area. Because research has shown continuous and intense arhelologice human habitation. Were found: a Paleolithic fireplace housing a Neolithic settlement, 8 Bronze Age, Iron Age 4, 12 centuries III-IV, two centuries the sixth-seventh , 5 ninth century the eleventh century, a taboo of life in these areas.

Recommendations for travel Buftea

In Buftea lies numerous historical vestiges: Palace Barbu Ştirbei, chapel churches monuments (Church Cartierul Buciumeni built 1787 Mănăstirea Carna), Heroes 1916-3918, Casa peasant (1891)'s Mansion Oţeteleşteanu.
By its natural conditions, Buftea is an important tourist attraction, given the available settlement surrounded by a chain of lakes, and The Tourist Park Ştirbei "Balan horse."