Tenders for the Romanian seaside will offer Direct Booking holidays or vacations in the 12 mini resort on the Black Sea in Romania. Tenders for famillii coast are ideal for tourists but also for individual and include accommodation and meal services at
relatively cheap prices, ideal for any holiday and will propose budget hotels, villas and pensions of all categories of well-known Black Sea resorts. Many recreational and entertainment options, fine beach, low salinity of the sea but also quality of the rooms
are reasons why a beach holiday on the beach in the summer months is the most comfortable way to spend holidays. In resorts such as Mamaia, Eforie, Neptune, Costinesti or Vama Veche, ideal for lovers of great and fun season offers can be booked online or by
phone at low prices with special offers early registration (earlybooking) since the late winter and are the most convenient way to book a holiday or a weekend mini vacation in the summer season. In summer season you can reserve offers to all who will offer
seaside stays of 6 nights accommodation and meal services at low prices on the Romanian seaside resorts.