About 2 Mai - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
2 Mai recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about 2 Mai, Romanian Seaside
Located near the border with Bulgaria, the village has become very popular for tourists, perfect for those who like quiet and discreet moments.
Isolation, wildness and noncomformismul annually attracts many young people. Accommodation can be made in local homes or at one of the villas in the village or the beach. Who wants to be closer to nature, to hear the sounds of guitar and May to spend nights on the beach, near camp fires or terraces with reeds, must arrive at May 2.
2 Mai | Located near the border with Bulgaria, the village has become very popular for tourists, perfect for those who like quiet and discreet moments.
Isolation, wildness and noncomformismul annually attracts many young people
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