About Agigea - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Located just 8 km south of Constanta, common Agigea spans 4528 hectares and is comprised of two villages, and Agigea.Cele Lazu two localities are separated by the Danube - Black Sea. Population of more than 4480 people, most of Romanian nationality, ethnic groups with whom we meet and Tatar, Turkish, and Roma.
Vast agricultural area located on the territory of the commune have influenced economic orientation of the city, most companies carrying out activities of trade in agricultural products. Diverse traffic conditions and high capacity, the Danube - Black Sea electrified double track with ramifications for Port Constanta Sud Agigea and national roads are factors involved in the facilitation and maintenance of these activities and international trade can become so Agigea in the future a vital commercial center.
Lazu village, commune Agigea subject developed as residential center. Construct a neighborhood mansions modern, fully equipped, affordable and quiet. Lazu is located south of Constanta, on the highway Constanta - Mangalia (DN 39).
In Agigea there are currently two spa sanatoriums. TB Sanatorium is only one of its kind in the country specializing in the treatment of osteo-articular tuberculosis.
Among the development projects are concerned European motorway Bucharest - Istanbul will cross the village Agigea and establishing an agricultural scholarships, sports facilities and leisure water. If for years among village was ravaged by the work Agigea channel, now there is this "Blue Buses" Her participation provides an opportunity to domestic and international trade. Thus, being located at the eastern end of the route Rhine-Main-Danube waterway, near the port of Constanta and Constanta South Free Zone, Agigea coordinates its pivotal role between the central and western Europe and Black Sea basin countries, the Middle East and East.
Agigea | Located just 8 km south of Constanta, common Agigea spans 4528 hectares and is comprised of two villages, and Agigea.Cele Lazu two localities are separated by the Danube - Black Sea. Population of more than 4480 people, most of Romanian nationality, ethnic
groups with whom we meet and Tatar, Turkish, and Roma
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