About Alba Iulia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Alba Iulia recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (20 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Alba Iulia, Transilvania
Alba Iulia is located at an altitude of 270 m at a distance of 340 km from Bucharest, Cluj 100 km, 70 km to 241 km from Sibiu and Arad. The municipality is located within the perimeter formed by Ampoi river, the river Sebes, Apuseni Mountains and Plateau Transylvanian peaks.
The town itself is located on the first terrace of the Mures, forming a plain east of 8-10 km long and 2-4km wide. The western town is surrounded by wooded heights of the mountains Metal Mammoth Peak (630 m). To the east, over Mures, there are reddish clay hills of the Transylvanian plateau, eroded by the rivers Mures, Sebes and Secas, they form a series of ravines with interesting shapes and sparse vegetation. To the south are mountain peaks Sebes see with Surianu Peak (2245) and the top four (2130). Alba Iulia is located in the heart of the Transylvanian plateau, 460 5 'north latitude and 210 15' east longitude, 330 m altitude, in an area of interference of the hills descending from the mountains to the plains Trascău middle course of the Mures valley.
Alba Iulia was the first capital of the three Romanian provinces, capital de jure under Sigismund Bathory, and under the scepter of the great unifying ruler Michael the Brave.
On 1 November 1599 Michael the Brave came in Alba Iulia, realizing the political unification of Transylvania, Moldova and Romanian lands under his steering. City Keys have been handed Napragyi Bishop Demetrius, who became chancellor of Transylvania during the reign of Michael the Brave.
On 7 October 1698 took place in Alba Iulia Union Council of the Church of Rome, Anghel council chaired by Bishop Athanasius.
In Alba Iulia Grand National Assembly held on 1 December 1918, which led to the unification of Transylvania and Banat înfăptuirii Kingdom of Romania. .
Union of Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures with Romania was proclaimed on December 1, 1918 Declaration of Alba Iulia.
On 15 October 1922 took place in front of Reunification Cathedral, the coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Mary, the act symbolizing the union of all Romanian historical provinces with the country, under the scepter of the same monarch.
On 6 May 1928 was organized by the National Peasant Party, in a vast campaign to topple the Liberal government, a meeting attended by about 100,000 citizens.
In 1933 the city of north-Italian town of Alba Iulia Alessandria donated a copy of the "Statue Lupoaicei" ("Lupa Capitolina"), as a sign of common Latin cultural heritage. On 13.04.2007 took place the official inauguration of the "Market Allessandria" in Alba Iulia, which is placed the statue "Lupa Capitolina", the symbol of brotherhood between Alba Iulia and Alessandria.
Following the administrative reform of 1968 the city became a municipality.
On 1 December 1990, in Alba Iulia was first celebrated National Day of Romania.
Today is a European city of Alba Iulia, Alba county, a beautiful city which houses a population of over 60,000 inhabitants. Carola White City, symbol of the city, is an impressive building that can be admired by anyone. Being an important tourist place, the city is constantly visited by tourists from around Europe.
Alba Iulia | Alba Iulia is located at an altitude of 270 m at a distance of 340 km from Bucharest, Cluj 100 km, 70 km to 241 km from Sibiu and Arad. The municipality is located within the perimeter formed by Ampoi river, the river Sebes, Apuseni Mountains and Plateau
Transylvanian peaks
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