About Amara - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Amara recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (32 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Amara, Muntenia
The settlement was documented during the reign of Matei Basarab, who endowed the monastery built by him in Slobozia vast land around the lake. In 1864, the secularization of the monasteries, these lands were taken over by the state. When the first human settlements were established. By 1903, Amara was a hamlet and village belonged Slobozia Veche. In April 2004 received the status of the city of Amara.
Situated in the eastern Romanian Plain, Amara has a continental steppe climate with hot summers and cold winters. The average annual temperature is 10.3 ° C (July average temperature is 22 ° C and in January is -3 ° C). Rainfall is low, and average annual humidity reaches 63%. In winter, prevailing winds from the northeast as the chill wind characteristic.
The spa is recommended for treating rheumatic diseases degenetative (spondylosis, arthrosis, poliartroza), inflammatory rheumatic diseases (inflammatory rheumatism), gynecological diseases (chronic mertosalpingita, ovarian failure, secondary sterility) but also associated disorders (dermatological, endocrine). Natural cure factors are: Amara lake - sulphate, chlorine, magnesium, easily brominated, mineral water springs from the easy nature of sulfate sulfur, bicarbonate, sodium, magnesium, hypotonic, with a total mineralization of 1.6 g / l and mud from the lake, containing 66.6 g / l.
Attractions: arboretum, fishing, amusement park Hermes - riding, trips to Meadow Ialomita Suditi Forest, Grove Beautiful, Forest Buiesti, Amara lakeside beach.
Amara | The settlement was documented during the reign of Matei Basarab, who endowed the monastery built by him in Slobozia vast land around the lake. In 1864, the secularization of the monasteries, these lands were taken over by the state
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