About Arbore - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Shaft is a town in Suceava, Moldova, the residence of the village with the same name. The first document of the city wrote Isaiah, chancellor to the bathroom in January 15th 1418. Suceava Hatmanul goalkeeper Luca Arbore, son of Luke Arbure Elder, chief magistrate of Neamt, buying from Nastasia Simon and his sister, his children and grandchildren's sSan Cârstea Horaiş and Sandru Herman's, the village bottom Tataresti amount of PLN 350 and 330 on top with the landlord Ivul Tataresti PLN and birth.
Document of the city is from 15.01.1418 territory but were still traces of Stone Age human coexistence. The name comes from Luke Arbure town, was hetman (military commander) of the capital city of Moldova during the reign of Stefan cel Mare. He bought in 1502 where the current territory in the same year he began building the church that bears his name, completed construction in just six years. 15.01.1418-first documentary of the town by a document issued by the office of Prince Alexandru cel Bun. From the Chronicle we learn that Gregory's Ear in 1523 "in the month of April, the city Hârlăului, Stefan Voda pre cut Arbure hetman, whom you say we have learned with hiclenie. So ended Arbure Luke.
With a rich dowry of ethnography and folklore, common tree initiated more than 16 years ago Folklore Festival "Flower of locust", held the first Sunday of June, when the locust is înflorit.Un another joint event with tradition is patron of the Church "Luke tree" at the end of August.
Arbore | Shaft is a town in Suceava, Moldova, the residence of the village with the same name. The first document of the city wrote Isaiah, chancellor to the bathroom in January 15th 1418. Suceava Hatmanul goalkeeper Luca Arbore, son of Luke Arbure Elder, chief
magistrate of Neamt, buying from Nastasia Simon and his sister, his children and grandchildren's sSan Cârstea Horaiş and Sandru Herman's, the village bottom Tataresti amount of PLN 350 and 330 on top with the landlord Ivul Tataresti PLN and birth
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