About Baile 1 Mai - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baile 1 Mai recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (19 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baile 1 Mai, Crisana
Resort "1 Mai" is situated in Bihor county, Crisana, Bihor between two villages. The village is located on the left side and right side crunch is Haieu village
Spa resort of national interest 1 Mai is located in northwestern Romania, 8 km south of Oradea, 140 m altitude. Baile May 1 because of position in a secular oak forest has a specific microclimate with mild summers and winters mild heat. The average annual temperature is 10.5 degrees while precipitation is maintained at around 650 mm annually. Along with climate an important factor for cure are thermal mineral springs (21-46 degrees C) calcium, sulfate, bicarbonate, weakly radioactive.
1 Mai is known for the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, degenerative and abarticulare, of the central and peripheral neurological (hemiparesis), a gynecological (metroanexite disorders, menopause or puberty). In the resort are treated bases and installations for baths thermal mineral water, mineral water thermal swimming pool, gym.
Resort fame May 1 and this whole county is on a tropical species - natural monument - Termal Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus Thermalis) floating plant with round leaves with serrated edge and everted upward, out of which rises fairest flowers yellowish white , pleasant-smelling perfume.
Baile 1 Mai | Spa resort of national interest 1 Mai is located in northwestern Romania, 8 km south of Oradea, 140 m altitude. Baile May 1 because of position in a secular oak forest has a specific microclimate with mild summers and winters mild heat
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