About Barsana - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Barsana is one of the largest joint in Maramures, and one of the most important villages of the Iza Valley.
The term "Barsan" denotes a shepherd keeps his sheep in wool rich and long, the word became a name in medieval times. Barsana village was owned by Prince Stanislau, son of Stan Barsan, attested in documents between 1326 and 1346.
Must have hitherto monastery there for several centuries, as of 6 November 1405 a document certifying the existence of a field of the monastery. The church was used for monastic until 1791, when the monastery was disbanded. In 1802, the villagers decided to move unused church in the middle of their community.
The church now sits on a hill, surrounded by an orchard, and is one of the eight churches located on UNESCO's World Heritage List. It was built of large oak beams, on a foundation of massive stone blocks.
Barsana is currently one of the favorite destinations of pilgrims and tourists from the country and abroad because of the wooden church, the Barsana Monastery - one of the most beautiful but also folk Maramures, the beautiful carved doors in style and not in Maramures Cuisine least in this area.
Barsana | Barsana is one of the largest joint in Maramures, and one of the most important villages of the Iza Valley.
The term "Barsan" denotes a shepherd keeps his sheep in wool rich and long, the word became a name in medieval times
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