About Brezoi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Brezoi recieved a rating of 2.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Brezoi, Valea Oltului
Brezoi is a city located in northern Valcea County, Romania, at the confluence of the river Olt Lotru the largest intercarpatica depression known as the Country Loviştea. The city is surrounded by forests of pine.
It is 35 km north of Rm and 66 km south of Sibiu. Is made up of villages Pascoaia, Călineşti, proienai, Golotreni Stan Valley.
Access to the city is through branch DN7A (Brezoi-Voineasa-Petrosani) National Road 7 (European Road E81) or rail station bearing the name of Lotru related.
Brezoi | Brezoi is a city located in northern Valcea County, Romania, at the confluence of the river Olt Lotru the largest intercarpatica depression known as the Country Loviştea.
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