About Bucharest - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
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Bucharest is Romania's capital and at the same time, the largest city industrial and commercial center of the country. Population of 1,944,367 inhabitants is that Bucharest is the sixth city in population in the European Union. In fact, however, Bucharest gather daily over three million people, and experts predict that over the next five years, the total will exceed four million. Add to this the fact that the settlements around the city, which will be part of future metropolitan area population totals about 430,000 inhabitants.
The first mention of locality appears in 1459. In 1859 became the capital of Romania. Since then undergoes constant change, being the art scene, culture and media. Between the two world wars, Bucharest elite elegant architecture and brought the nickname "Little Paris." Currently, the capital has the same administrative level as a county and is divided into six sectors.
Bucharest is located in the southeast, from Ploiesti, Giurgiu north to south. Plain City is Vlasiei, which is part of the Romanian Plain. To the east lies Baragan in Găvanu Burdea Plain west and south is bordered by Plain Burnazului.
Plain Bucharest has altitudes between 100-115 m in the north-west and 50-60 m in the south-east in the meadow Dambovita. The city itself is between 58 m and 90 m altitude. Over 50% of its area is within the range of 80-100 m hypsometric and slope do not exceed the value of 2o. Fragmentation is more pronounced in the eastern half, where it reaches 1 to 1.5 km/km2.
The relief is plain consists of a sequence of fields (inter-) and valleys (with terraces and meadows) in series from north to south:
Bucharest is situated on the banks of the Dambovita River, which flows into the Argeş, a tributary of the Danube. Several lakes lie along the river Colentina within the urban area, such as Lake Herăstrău, Floreasca Lake, Lake Tei and Lake Colentina. And in the center there is a lake in the Park Cişmigiu. This lake, formerly in the old medieval city pool is surrounded by Cismigiu Garden, inaugurated in 1847 after the plans of German architect Carl FW Meyer. In addition there Cişmigiu in Bucharest and other major parks: Herastrau Park (the Village Museum) and the Botanical Garden (the largest in Romania, comprising over 10,000 species of plants including exotic), Youth Park, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park (also known Titan Park or Park as IOR), and many smaller parks and landscaped garden district municipalities.
The climate in Romania's capital is specific, ie temperate-continental. There are specific seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winters are relatively mild in Bucharest with little snow and relatively high temperatures, while in recent years, summers are very hot, very hot (high temperature up to 45 degrees in the shade) and little precipitation. This causes temperature differences winter - summer will be up to 60 degrees.
The legend says that Bucharest was founded by a shepherd named Bucur. According to another variant most likely, Bucharest was founded by Mircea the Old at the end of the fourteenth century.
The settlement was documented on 20 September 1459 in an act of Vlad Tepes, ruler of Romanian, which strengthens an estate of nobles. Dambovita citadel, as it appears in the first years the city had a strategic role and will oversee the way he walked Targsor at Giurgiu, the last settlement being in Ottoman garrison. In short, states Bucharest, was elected on 14 October 1465 by Radu the Handsome as princely residence. In the years 1558 - 1559, Old Church is built at the Royal Court, built by Mr. Mircea Shepherd, which remained until today the oldest church in town preserved in its original form. In 1659, under the reign of George Ghica, Bucharest became the capital of Romanian, Turkish in order to have a capital in the plains and near the Danube, easier to control compared to Targoviste
In Bucharest, there are currently two functioning airports: Henri Coanda International Airport (formerly Otopeni) and Aurel Vlaicu International Airport (Baneasa original). Henri Coanda Airport is Romania's largest serving five million passengers in 2009 and is the main center for the national operator TAROM. From there, daily flights depart and arrive from other cities in Romania and many other airports in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. Aurel Vlaicu is used by low-cost airlines and charter planes serve
Bucharest | Bucharest is Romania's capital and at the same time, the largest city industrial and commercial center of the country. Population of 1,944,367 inhabitants is that Bucharest is the sixth city in population in the European Union
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