About Calarasi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The county with the same name, Calarasi is located in the south-east of the country and south of the county, on the Lower Danube terrace (terrace Calarasi) in contact with the Danube valley, on the left bank of the Borcea branch, at the border located at the intersection of 44 ° 12 'north latitude and the meridian of 27 ° 21' east, the city is at a distance of 120 km from Bucharest, 144 km from Constanta and 25 km from Drajna (where the motorway Bucharest-Constanta).
Calarasi | Calarasi (formerly Lichireşti and temporarily Ştirbeiu) is the city of residence of Calarasi county, Muntenia, Romania. It is the largest city in the county and one of the most important cities in the South Region
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