About Campina - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Campina recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Campina, Valea Prahovei
Campina City was documentary mentioned in 1503 and in 1593 is recorded as a customs point on the road to Transylvania. In 1663 is a fair. City status as a fair in 1663 develops gradually and in 1791 benefited the first arrangement of the road on the Prahova Valley, because the Austrian troops. In 1864 is raised to the rank of city. In 1890, In Campina it was rised the first scaffold oil in the country, and the refinery "Factory New ", was built in 1895, then the largest in Europe. In 1994, Campina was declared a municipality.
The town location in the middle of Subcarpathian area at the confluence of the Prahova valley and Doftana makes tourist town with ancient traditions and its surroundings are appreciated today and attended by many visitors come from all over the country.
Climbing the hill Muscel the section called "THE OBSERVER" on the 550 m you will see it under your eyes the entire panorama of the city and its environs.
Hence, we find easily that the three rivers that surround it, the Campinita North river, Doftana East River and West River Prahova, that managed to shape the terrace, turning it into a triangular platform, with Sweet or steep slopes.
Campina Terrace, modeled with thousands and thousands of years ago, has the advantage that it is surrounded by a series of hills, which can be said to have turned it into a depression sheltered from strong winds which are blowing unabated in the lowlands.
Crown of hills protects the city, is dressed deciduous forests and grasslands, which confers a very picturesque, village while ensuring a favorable climate.
But the most beautiful part of town is situated north-east, to the district Voila, where the locals and recreation area called "The Fountain with cherry trees, covered with deciduous forests, including conifer clumps are observed, populated with squirrels, sunny glades carpeted with grass and flowers glazed. This area is so picturesque, could not escape the eye of an artist, the man who was the painter Nicolae Grigorescu and lived many years here. Even one of these clearings, called the "POIANA Grigorescu" being her favorite scenic artist.
In fact, starting with 1836, when the poet Caesar Bolliac, hosted by progressive landlord I. Câmpineanu, describing the beauties of these places in Campina will come many cultural personalities: Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Ion Heliade Radulescu, Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu, George Cosbuc, Constantin Istrati, Eugene Jebeleanu, Geo Bogza, personalities who have linked to the life and work of these lands.
Campina | Campina City was documentary mentioned in 1503 and in 1593 is recorded as a customs point on the road to Transylvania. In 1663 is a fair. City status as a fair in 1663 develops gradually and in 1791 benefited the first arrangement of the road on the Prahova
Valley, because the Austrian troops
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