About Cavnic - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cavnic recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cavnic, Maramures
Located in the heart of Maramures county, a distance of 30 km from Baia Mare, situated in a narrow valley at the foot of Gutai Mountains (1445m) and Mogosa (1249), Cavnic stretches approximately 10km in length and 500 m altitude difference (550m to 1050m flotation Quarter-Wheel) crossed the valley from east to west, representing the last branch of the emptiness of the Baia Mare depression.
Cavnic is one of 13 cities in the county of Maramures, which in its early days until today was an important center for mining and nonferrous precious metals (gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc).
Cavnic tourist activity began to grow until 2002, when he was inaugurated ski area icon. Cavnic, the large number of days is known as winter snow pole in Maramures, which is an advantage for those who love winter sports. Maramures was included in the top ski areas in Romania. But this is not the resort offer Bor, who was most famous in the county, but arranged in Cavnic slopes. After the work carried out in the summer of 2007, the surface that can ski in the former mining town has risen to 8.5 kilometers. The seven runs (one icon, the icon of 2, 1 Wheel, 2 Wheel, Rainer 1, 2 and Rainer blue part), of which three are new, have a length of 800 - 2,200 meters and an angle between 19 and 37 degrees , which makes them suitable for both beginners and for advanced or professional.
Cavnic | Located in the heart of Maramures county, a distance of 30 km from Baia Mare, situated in a narrow valley at the foot of Gutai Mountains (1445m) and Mogosa (1249), Cavnic stretches approximately 10km in length and 500 m altitude difference (550m to 1050m
flotation Quarter-Wheel) crossed the valley from east to west, representing the last branch of the emptiness of the Baia Mare depression
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