About Cluj Napoca - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cluj Napoca recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (73 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cluj Napoca, Transilvania
Cluj-Napoca is located in the heart of Transylvania, with an area of 179.5 km ². Located on the relationship between the Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania Somes Plateau and Plain, the city is located at the intersection of parallel 46 ° 46 'N, longitude 23 ° 36' E. It lies on the Somes Mic and Nadas river valleys, and some extensions, the Popeştiului side valleys, Chintau, Borhanciului and Kings.
The first documentary record of a settlement on the present territory of Cluj was made by Greek geographer Claudius Ptolemy, who referred to here one of the most important towns of Dacia Napuca name. The first evidence of Roman Napocii wars dating from the period immediately following the conquest of Dacia, from the years 107-108, and consists of a milestone military discovered Aiton, resulting from a strategic road construction empire. Founded Samus on the right bank of the river, was originally a simple Napoca vicus.
It is an urban settlement (civitas) under Emperor Hadrian in 124 AD, under the name municipium Aelium Hadrianum Napoca, attested in inscriptions. Arriving capital of the province, Napoca is then raised to the rank of colony, is called Colonia Aurelia Napoca, a privilege granted by Marcus Aurelius or Commodus. The city enjoys the jus italicum, which provided various tax incentives for its citizens. There are numerous archaeological evidence of Roman continuity Napoca.
Cluj City has won until the fifteenth century European recognition. European specific architecture, late Gothic undercurrents in the Roman Catholic Church "Saint Michael", but also in many private homes.
After the First World War and the achievement of the Great Union, Transylvania, Romania entered the United composition. Was further Cluj Cluj county (wars). In 1940, Cluj was returned to the Hungarian crown by the Vienna Dictate. Hungarian and German armed forces controlled the city were rejected by the Romanian and Soviet troops in October 1944. The Treaty of Paris of 1947, Cluj Romania again entered the structure.
There are two known botanical - Fânaţele Cluj and Mill Valley Reserve.
The Reserve Fânaţele Cluj live snake specimens fanatics, a quite rare species. A very rich flora found in the inner city to the Botanical Garden, a place where they found refuge and some species of animals.
Cluj Napoca | Cluj-Napoca is located in the heart of Transylvania, with an area of 179.5 km ². Located on the relationship between the Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania Somes Plateau and Plain, the city is located at the intersection of parallel 46 ° 46 'N, longitude
23 ° 36' E
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