About Colibita - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Colibita recieved a rating of 4.9 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (37 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Colibita, Transilvania
Colibița is a village in Bistrița Bârgăului commune in Bistrița-Năsăud county, Transylvania, Romania. The locality is located on the Bistriţa Valley, between the Bârgău Mountains and the Călimani Mountains, on the shore of Lake Colibița, also called "the Sea of the Mountain". The hut was declared a tourist resort.
The locality of Colibița was initially on the place where the lake is currently. In 1979, the decision was made to relocate the village of Colibița to the nearby hills, in the locality called Mița, in order to arrange in the valley a lake of accumulation. Before filling the lake, the area was thoroughly cleaned, including the trees being removed. One of the legends circulating in the area refers to the former church on the submerged lake. She says that when the water goes down, you can see the cross on the church.
Most people in the area earn their livelihood from agriculture, animal husbandry and wood processing.
The area offers great possibilities for relaxation for mountain lovers, at any time of year: excursions, hiking (Tăul Zânelor, Borcut mineral water spring, mountain trails - 3.5 hour route up to Bistricioru peak, Dracula Castle near Tihuța Pass - 1100 m alt), mountain biking, kayaking, mountaineering, fishing (trout, clean, caras - in Lake Colibița), sleigh rides, etc.
Tăul Zânelor nature reserve - towards this enchanted land you can start from the lake's tail. After passing through a dense forest, with fast rivers, you will reach a clearing, where there is the Fairy Tăul, a lake 75 meters long and 50 meters wide, with a maximum depth of 4 meters. To get to this place of story you only need two hours. The route is very easy and does not require complex equipment.
The advantage that Colibita has is precisely the existence of the accumulation lake, which makes it possible for Bistrita Ardeleana to practice rafting and kayaking all year long.
Colibita | Colibița is a village in Bistrița Bârgăului commune in Bistrița-Năsăud county, Transylvania, Romania.
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