About Constanta - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Constanta recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (92 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Constanta, Romanian Seaside
Constanta is situated in the same name County , in the south-eastern Romania. It is situated on the Black Sea coast in the lagoon area to the east, hilly in north and central, plains in south and west. Constanta has a private beach with a length of 6 km. The northern part of the district, Mamaia, the most populated seaside tourist resort, is located on the shores of a lagoon, with a 7 km long beach, beach continues with another 6 km in the city Navodari.
Constanta is the oldest attested city in Romania. The first document dates from 657 BC the current place peninsula (under water today, Casino right) formed a Greek colony called Tomis. The village was conquered by the Romans in 71 BC and renamed Constantiana after the emperor Constantine the Great's sister.
During the thirteenth century Great Sea (Black Sea as it was called then) was dominated by Italian merchants from Genoa who helped develop the city. Subsequently, constant declined under Ottoman rule and became a simple fishing village inhabited by Greeks and breeders of horses and sheep, Tartars.
City has become a city after the construction of Cernavoda-Constanta railway and port in 1865, the Romanian grain exports. After the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878), when Dobrogea became part of the Kingdom of Romania, Constanta, the main port of the State, has increased continuously, holding that role even today.
A large part of the municipality is located in a lagoon area with Siutghiol Lake (in Turkish milky lake, known as "Great lake," among Constanta habitants and "Mamaia lake" in the language of interest) in the north and Lake Tannery ("Small lake" ) in the northeast. Constanta is virtually an island, the city is bordered to the north and north-west of Alba-Midia Navodari Gate Canal, east of the Black Sea and south and west of the Danube-Black Sea Canal.
Although there is no source of surface water flowing, a subterranean river is passing through the upper Barremian-Jurassic aquifer, which flows at a very low speed in the direction south-west to north-east, whose rate is comparable to the Danube , the most important drinking water reservoir in Romania
Constanta is a center of industry, trade and tourism of national importance. Here is Romania's largest port and the fourth in Europe, where operating shipyard, one of the largest by number of vessels built and repaired.
Fluvial transport is the point of departure from the port of Constanta South River, the Danube-Black Sea on the Danube River, the terminus being the port of Rotterdam. Every day, more than 200 river vessels are in port for loading or unloading operations or waiting to be operated. The facilities provided by the Port of Constanta South River, allowing any type of vessel berthing river.
Air transport is represented by Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport and the Tuzla airfield. The airport was built for security and noise outside the city, being in the territory of Constanţa Metropolitan Area. Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport has a runway length of 3.5 km in all concrete and installation of lighting that allows landing in any weather conditions.
Tourism is an important economic industry. Although Constance has been promoted as a resort by King Charles I, the development of shipbuilding industry had the effect of lowering the beach. However, due to the placement near the tourist towns, many people find and visit the sights of the city. It also finds a center of commerce and education, this being the important aspects of the local economy.
Constanta | Constanta is situated in the same name County , in the south-eastern Romania. It is situated on the Black Sea coast in the lagoon area to the east, hilly in north and central, plains in south and west
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