About Curtea De Arges - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Curtea De Arges recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Curtea De Arges, Muntenia
At 37 km from Pitesti, DN 7C, Arges town is situated on one side of Arges, ancient capital of the Romanian Country, known today more due to the monastery of the same name built in 1517 by Neagoe, but also monuments of architecture and art. The city has an area of 75 square kilometers, is surrounded by hills and southern muscelele Fagaras Mountains, Southern Carpathians. Attested in 1330, control of many facts and events of the past generations, Arges is a price guide research historical vestiges.
The natural condition of this city is near the mountain area, which is located about 28 km away and introduces variation and diversity in geographical landscape.
Being situated in a hollow hills, the city has a favorable climate characterized by moderate temperatures throughout the year and by heavy rainfall. Winters are mild in comparison with the harsh plains, and during the summer is pleasant with bright and sunny days.
Because the city is small alternation of old and new is even more astounding. Medieval vestiges seem to be modern but marred by the homes.
In the center square statue greets first-ruler of Romanian, Basarab I. In part, the ruins of the Royal Castle, the oldest group of medieval art in our country and preserved in its original, mysterious call to another church tower-San Nicoara.
The entire city, just stately Royal Church (Church of St. Nicholas Royal) overcame times.
Beside him hold it still ruins cahoots princely houses, the bastion of defense, remains surrounded by thick defensive walls.
Arges city, has a special air, full of history and mystery, being the first capital of the Romanian Country, is surrounded by legends and sayings, including the most famous is the Master Manole. Arges is one of the oldest settlements in Romania, offering tourists a unique view, holiness preserved old buildings, small streets and inviting terraces.
Curtea De Arges | At 37 km from Pitesti, DN 7C, Arges town is situated on one side of Arges, ancient capital of the Romanian Country, known today more due to the monastery of the same name built in 1517 by Neagoe, but also monuments of architecture and art
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