About Danube Delta - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Delta Dunarii recieved a rating of 4.9 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (31 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Danube Delta, Delta Dunarii
Delta is limited to the south-west of Dobrogea Plateau, forms the border with Ukraine north and east flows into the Black Sea. Delta is crossed by the parallel of 45 ° N latitude and the meridian of 29 °, longitude E. Delta dealing with Razim - Sinoe 5050 km ², of which 732 km ² belong to Ukraine, Romanian Delta assuming the area of 2540 km ². Because of the 67 million tons of silt to the Danube Delta increase by approx. 40 m².
Danube splits arrived at Pătlăgeanca: Chilia and Tulcea branch north to south arm then to Fork St. George (in Turkish Çatal Çedırlez sometimes transcribed in Romanian "Ceatal Sf. Gheorghe") splits the Sulina arm and arm St. George.
Chilia arm, forms the border with Ukraine, and carries on its course by a length of 104 km ², 60% of water and silt Danube.
Sulina is situated in the heart of the Delta and unlike chili has a straight course, being constantly dredged and maintained navigation maritime vessels. It has a length of 71 km and carries 18% of the water of the Danube. Sf Gheorghe course is oriented to the southeast, and runs 112 km, carrying 22% of the Danube flow. Form islands at the mouth Sacalin considered a secondary delta.
Delta (except Chilia secondary delta) is a traditional part of Dobrogea, but in antiquity and the Middle Ages coast are more sunset (between Chilia Veche and Murighiol the time of Strabo, between Periprava and Lake Dranov the Byzantine era) so that historical maps are including all Delta Dobrogea current are geomorphological false.Delta Danube (3446 km ²), located mostly in Dobrogea, Romania and partly in Ukraine is the second largest and best preserved of European deltas .
Danube Delta | Delta (3446 km ²), located mostly in Dobrogea, Romania and partly in Ukraine is the second largest and best preserved of European deltas.
Delta entered the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991, is classified as a Biosphere Reserve in Romania national and international taxonomy as a national park in the IUCN
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