About Deva - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Deva recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Deva, Marginimea Sibiului
Deva, Hunedoara county seat, is one of the oldest settlements in our country, the first mention dates from 1269, but archaeological discoveries within the Deva shows that the area has been inhabited since the Stone Age polished.
Deva is located on the left bank of the Mures River, at 187 m altitude, at the foot of the Apuseni Mountains and Poiana Rusca. The city benefits from mineral resources of the mountains of the metal gold.
Since medieval town core developed at the foot of Citadel Hill, representative tourist attractions are concentrated in the old part of town.
Princely residence in 1307 and Wallach center of a military district since the fourteenth century, Deva, dominated the city, witnessed a major economic development during the reign of Iancu of Hunedoara and throughout the Middle Ages.
Deva name supposedly comes from the village of deriving Dava Decidava Dacian, and Deva (if the word "dava" meaning "city"). Deva is also assumed that the name originated glory "djevoika" (Virgin). He tried the name association with the legendary Diva Deva, the beautiful sister of Decebal, as well as some words from Sanskrit and Sumerian, and some recent research suggests a link with the name Dowina.
The hills near the northern mountains are the ramifications of Poiana Rusca (its maximum height is 697 meters) and include the city as a semicircle it avoiding climate excesses. The town is bordered by mountains and mute Poiana Rusca Zarand in the west, the Apuseni Mountains in the north, east Uroiului Magura.
Mixed Reservation Castle Hill and its surroundings are a delight for those who want to admire this retreat where history and legend blend harmoniously with nature.
Deva | Deva, Hunedoara county seat, is one of the oldest settlements in our country, the first mention dates from 1269, but archaeological discoveries within the Deva shows that the area has been inhabited since the Stone Age polished
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