About Dorolt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dorolt village situated in the northern county of Satu Mare, on national road DN19, 9 km from Satu Mare.Comuna is bordered on the north and west by Hungary, south of the village Vetis, east of Satu Mare, North Lazuri-east of the village.
Dorolt village belongs entirely Somes Plain relief unit. The only running water is important for the municipality which is the Somes River and its southern border.
Dorolt village has a temperate continental climate moderated. The annual average temperature is 9.6 °, based on these thermal values: spring: 10.2 °, summer: 19.6 °, autumn: 10.8 °, winter: 1.7 °. Atmospheric humidity is high. Wind regime is characterized by the predominance of the north-west currents that bring rain in spring and summer.
Natural vegetation falls area, steppe units, natural associations being replaced in most agricultural crops, among which is code, hydrophilic vegetation. Great Forest, consisting of oak, located south of the city Dorolt, the band is the only forest.
Dorolt | Dorolt village situated in the northern county of Satu Mare, on national road DN19, 9 km from Satu Mare.Comuna is bordered on the north and west by Hungary, south of the village Vetis, east of Satu Mare, North Lazuri-east of the village
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