About Drobeta Turnu Severin - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Drobeta Turnu Severin recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Drobeta Turnu Severin, Oltenia
City Drobeta Turnu Severin is located on the left bank of the Danube River at the exit of the gorge, in the Carpathian basin Topolnita.
Schedule is a rectangle with length from east to west, had a slightly sloping plateau, from north to south. The highest point in town, the altitude is 104 meters and the lowest point is located near the railway station, where the height is 48.75 meters above sea level.
Severin is located in a temperate zone continental climate with Mediterranean influences, with sunny summers and mild winters which provides specific conditions for the development of vegetation, such as almond, fig, lilac, lime and chestnut trees and exotic magnolia, walnut Caucasian , Ginkgo biloba - the oldest species on earth.
According to the census of 2002, Drobeta-Turnu Severin had a population of 104,557 inhabitants.
The place was in town today Drobeta ancient Roman camp. Destruction of Drobeta camp in the first half of the century occurred. In the fifth century, barbarian invasions and in the context of the Western Roman Empire collapsed.
Severin Fortress was built by the Hungarian Kingdom up against the military strategic center of Vidin Bulgarian Kingdom. Latinǎ cetǎtii medieval church inside was placed under the patronage of Saint Severin of Noricum, from which, apparently, comes the name of the settlement. Severin Fortress, built by Hungarian King Ladislaus I (1040-1095) as a fortress against Pechenegs and Cumans present in the region, will be permanent because of claims and a series of frequent wars between the Hungarian crown, the princes of Wallachia and Bulgaria, starting with Litovoi , Man, and Basarab I. In the first period, the city is a target Severin political dispute, economic and religioasǎ between Christian princes.
In 1233 Severin fortress (built by Ladislaus I) is transformed by Andrew II - (King of Hungary between 1205 -1235) into the city. Thus arises Severin Banat held since 1228, the region founded the borders of the Roman Empire Bulgarian Kingdom Hungarian border guard and restore the influence of the Latin Church in the region.
Banat of Severin, Banatus Zewriniensis, Terra Zeurino "or" Country Severin, Carasul included a strip of Transylvania, Romania Hateg Amlasului and some adjacent land in Oltenia (Tripura, a part of the Valcea and Gorj, stretching both sides of the mountains) from the River Danube to. First Ban of Severin, Luke, is mentioned in 1233, when King Andrew II of Hungary. Year 1233 - the resonance of 1833 when the new modern city was registered - may be regarded as the official birthday of the city.
Mircea the Old, and he bore the title Ban of Severin, and in 1406, before the Ottoman threat, concluded a treaty of alliance with Sigismund I of Luxembourg (1387-1437) even in the city Severin.
After the destruction of Fortress Severin, giving it symbolic of mourning Drizzle name ("CERN") severinenii founded another settlement less likely to Turkish incursions at about 6 km north-east of the old city burned. Until the modern reconstruction of Severin, Cernetiul, who was an estate to 1602 Buzesti brothers will be the region's administrative capital and commercial Mehedinti, being used by both Russians and Austrians.
Until 1918, Turnu Severin, Romania will be the western gate. After 1900, Severin industry and capital continues to diversify into an accelerated pace.
Drobeta Turnu Severin | City Drobeta Turnu Severin is located on the left bank of the Danube River at the exit of the gorge, in the Carpathian basin Topolnita.
Schedule is a rectangle with length from east to west, had a slightly sloping plateau, from north to south
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