About Durau - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Durau recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (14 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Durau, Moldavia
Located 100 km from Piatra Neamt and 6 km southwest of the village Ceahlău (which administratively belongs), at an altitude of 780-800 m at the foot of the famous massively Ceahlau (in the NW) - famous for its legends and magical traditions - resort is located in a mountainous region frequented since the eighteenth century.
Durau resort is suitable for recreation and treatment of asthenic neurosis, the weakness, anemia, for recovery from mental or intellectual effort. Among natural factors mention clean air, dust and allergens, ozonated atmosphere are the main natural cure factors.
In a small church was Durău painted by the famous Romanian painter Nicolae Tonitza. On one of the routes to climb Mount Ceahlău Duruitoarea tourists can admire the waterfall (25 m height), with an impressive stream of deafening noise and water (from which it draws its name).
It is possible to make excursions on Ceahlău (Ocolasu Toaca Mare 1907 m and 1904 m,,) and winter sports (skiing, with varying degrees of difficulty).
Durau | Located 100 km from Piatra Neamt and 6 km southwest of the village Ceahlău (which administratively belongs), at an altitude of 780-800 m at the foot of the famous massively Ceahlau (in the NW) - famous for its legends and magical traditions - resort is
located in a mountainous region frequented since the eighteenth century
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