About Galati - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Galati recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (11 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Galati, Moldavia
Galati is the capital and also the largest city of Galati county, the county located near the corner of the three frontiers of Moldova, Romania. According to latest official estimates of the National Institute of Statistics, the city population was in 2009, of 290,733 inhabitants, is the 7th city in the country by number of inhabitants. It is one of the largest economic centers in Romania, Moldova respectively. Galati city has a history because it is charged and placed on the Danube, the most important artery of trade and European river, the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. Economic life developed around the Naval Shipyard, Port River, around the Arcelor-Mittal steel plant and port Ore.
The first documentary mention of the city of Galati (then fair) dates from 1445 (in a document signed by Prince Stephen II). Galati has grown in importance after the Turks conquered cities Chilia and White City in July-August 1484, Moldova's only port city while remaining an important role in domestic trade, but also in the Polish-Turkish. In 1789, during the Russo-Turkish war of 1789-1791, Galati was burned by the armies of the Russian general Mikhail Kamensky, this is one of many that have been endured devastation of the city in the Russo-Turkish wars of the century. Eighteenth and early nineteenth century.
Denumirea de Galați vine probabil de la tribul celtic al galilor, care locuiau prin aceasă zonă în antichitate, fie de la regiunea Galiția, o altă variantă ar fi din limba cumană gala(t) preluat din arăbescul kalhat (fortăreață)
Galati is located in eastern Romania, Moldova southern extremity of the plateau. Located on the left bank of the Danube, occupying an area of 246.4 km2, at the junction of the Siret River (west) and Prut (east), near Lake Brates, about. 80 kilometers from the Black Sea. The nearest town is Braila, just 15 kilometers south. The city lies on three terraces: Valley City, with altitudes between 5-7 m and the other two, drawn almost fan-shaped, first with an altitude of 20-25 m (the core of the medieval town, now city center) and two with altitudes above 40 m (modern city). Life of human communities was directly influenced by the Danube, the second longest river in Europe (2850 km), with an average flow of 6199 cubic meters in this sector / s, after receiving the input river Siret an average flow of 210 m / s (the largest tributary of the Romanian territory). The river continues its journey after receiving the Black Sea, down the port of Galati, the Prut river, with an average flow of 86 cm / s. Danube flows have a significant variation depending on season and year, with maximum values in May (18000-19000 cm / s) and minimum during summer (2000-2450 m / s). Due to the deep fairway Braila, Danube is declared sea. Now past the ferry building is the 3rd port for light craft.
Given that Galati is a gateway to the northeast and southwest, he was under the influence of continental air masses less eastern and southern, almost totally lacking influence western air that firewall is turned off Carpathians. The average annual temperature, calculated over a period of 70 years, is 10 degrees C. The average temperature in summer is 21.3 degrees C. In winter, Galati County wine over north and north-east of cold air masses the decrease of temperature between 0.2 degrees C -3 degrees C. The climate is temperate continental.
Galati | Galati is the capital and also the largest city of Galati county, the county located near the corner of the three frontiers of Moldova, Romania. It is one of the largest economic centers in Romania, Moldova respectively
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