About Gura Humorului - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Gura Humorului recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (41 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Gura Humorului, Bucovina
Gura Humorului Gura Homorului earlier, (in Hebrew and Yiddish - Mouth Shut Humura Humuruluei or in German and Polish: Gura Humorului) is a town in Suceava County, Bukovina, south, northern Romania. It has a population of 15,837 inhabitants.
Raising in 1488, building on the site of a old wooden Voronet monastery, Prince of Moldova, Stefan cel Mare a settlement founded the monastery whose fame has gone over the centuries the borders. The exterior painting preserved in remarkably good condition, the monastery church, like those from the Monastery Humor Monastery of Moldova, is a testament to the unusual decorative technique was one of the most exciting art events of the past Romanian people.
Later, the prince endowed the monastery with many donations, including "a particular Seliste - Poiana in Gura Humorului. The first documentary mention of places that has developed over centuries, the town of Gura Humorului.
The city is situated at the mouth of the river Humor and Moldova, from the name of this city. Gura Humorului is situated at an altitude of ~ 470 m, having an environment that has sedative properties. The place was searched, since the second half of the nineteenth century as a resort. To the north are the peaks Obcina Humor, south and west Obcina Voronet Obcina Mare. These mountains are well wooded, and the climate of the city gives shelter to about 17,000 people a pleasant and picturesque. Humorene lands are attested in medieval written documents issued by the office of Moldova since the early fifteenth century (1415), when the magistrate Oana old monastery founded Humorului, a distance of 6 km from the present town of Gura Humorului.
* Area: 609 sq km
* Township: Voronet
* Distance and direction from major cities: 35 km - Suceava 45 km - Campulung Moldovenesc; Bistrita - 120 km.
* Altitude: 470m
* Landforms: mountains;
* Hydrographic Network: Moldova river, streams and Voronet Humor;
* Climate - temperate continental and relatively mild air clean and refreshing.
* Geological formations / sedimentary formations: the land is within the area surrounding east flisuri Eastern Carpathians;
* Average annual temperature: 7 C, with minimum of -4 C to -30 C (January) and maximum 30 C (July).
* Precipitation - average annual rainfall is 700-900 mm, the most abundant being summer and lowest in autumn and winter.
* Transport: Coach Gura Humorului
* The network of roads: DN 17, DJ 177;
* Railway network: stations and Gura Humorului Gura Humorului City;
* Air travel: Airport Salcea (Suceava) - 56 km, Voronet heliport;
* Telecommunications: automatic station with 3500 lines, GSM mobile phone coverage, mail;
Gura Humorului | Gura Humorului Gura Homorului earlier, (in Hebrew and Yiddish - Mouth Shut Humura Humuruluei or in German and Polish: Gura Humorului) is a town in Suceava County, Bukovina, south, northern Romania. It has a population of 15,837 inhabitants
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