About Hateg - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Hateg recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Hateg, Transilvania
Placed in the depression with the same name, at an altitude of 310-350 m and surrounded by mountains, has the charm of a small town Hateg mountain province.
The city is situated at the foot of the mountains Retezat at a distance of 40 km from the capital Hunedoara, Deva, 26 km from the town of Hunedoara, Petrosani 50 km and 70 km of Caransebes.
City Hateg their specific continental temperate climate, natural setting features characterized by vertical and unevenly distributed rainfall, wind that blows from the north-west and a January average temperature values between -2 and -10 degrees C, and in July between 10 and 20 degrees C.
Hateg can be considered the center of one of the most attractive areas in Romania the cultural and historical tourism. The first documentary attestation dates from 1247, when the city was mentioned in a diploma of King Bela IV. Over a period of two centuries, was the residence of princes Hateg Romans, and in 1457 became a royal fortress, located in the Transylvanian princes property garrison and frontier guard shelter whose mission was to guard the southern border of the Austrian Empire ..
In 1765, the city Hateg was totally militarized, part of the Second Company of the border from the Border Regiment Orlat I until 1851, when it was disbanded.
Hateg | Placed in the depression with the same name, at an altitude of 310-350 m and surrounded by mountains, has the charm of a small town Hateg mountain province.
The city is situated at the foot of the mountains Retezat at a distance of 40 km from the capital Hunedoara, Deva, 26 km from the town of Hunedoara, Petrosani 50 km and 70 km of Caransebes
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