About Izvoru Muresului - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Spring Mures is a mountain resort at the foot Hasmas Mare (1793 m), on the southern slope of Black Mountain (1538 m) leisure resort that has received the name of the source of the river Mures, located in the village. Railway station is the highest point (850 m) circular track that runs through the region of Transylvania. On Road 12 is 45 km from Miercurea Ciuc and 23 km from Gheorgheni at the turn of the water catchment of the Mureş and Olt. Spring Mures is a town that has homes lined specific national road line, a youth recreation center of national fame. Gheorgheni side is known as "Marosnyíre. Located near the headwaters of the Mures chapel was built by Father Ebner Jena. " According to the census of 1992 has 801 inhabitants.
DN 12, the main street is parallel to the bed and get over it Mures only in a place called Kings Glade. Immediately after this bridge, west nature reserve begins "After Luncă. After Luncă Swamp is where the Mureş river and stream Senet Ponce, west of Road 12 is 2 km from the settlement area of nature protection. It has a total area of 40 hectares, with a thick layer of peat between 2-3 m.
Izvoru Muresului | Spring Mures is a mountain resort at the foot Hasmas Mare (1793 m), on the southern slope of Black Mountain (1538 m) leisure resort that has received the name of the source of the river Mures, located in the village
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