About Lacu Rosu - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lacu Rosu recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Lacu Rosu, Transilvania
Red Lake is a natural dam lake, situated at the foot of Hasmas Mountains, near the town of Gheorgheni, Harghita County. It is the largest natural mountain lake in Romania name from Red Creek, crossing the layers of red, iron oxides and hydroxides.
Red Lake Resort is a paradise for those seeking relaxation and rest. Situated in the eastern part of Transylvania in the Eastern Carpathians, Red Lake and Gorge Gorge is a region of unique beauty in the world.
Red Lake is a natural lake formed in 1837 during a landslides.
They say a rock fall down from the mountain and blocked thread Bucaz river lake formed by the time you see now. What is really interesting about this lake is no way or form, no color, but the right look or dramatic. Because you are now almost 200 years the forest, the lake reflects today that a sunken forest. Everywhere longer old tree trunks still see water coming out.
A unique region in the world where forests of evergreen trees, fresh air provide favorable conditions for rest. The resort is a paradise for those seeking relaxation and rest, passing through the picturesque landscape an unforgettable atmosphere.
Lacu Rosu | Red Lake is a natural dam lake, situated at the foot of Hasmas Mountains, near the town of Gheorgheni, Harghita County. It is the largest natural mountain lake in Romania name from Red Creek, crossing the layers of red, iron oxides and hydroxides
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