About Lacu Sarat - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lacu Sarat recieved a rating of 3.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Lacu Sarat, Muntenia
This place is considered in terms of tourism for its proper positioning in nature and curative properties available hypertonic mud and mineral water source is even Salt Lake. There is a spa complex which operates all year round and offers accommodation, meals served in our restaurant, football, tennis.
Lacu Sarat | Salt Lake is a village in the county of Braila, Muntenia, Romania, located in the village Chiscani. In the village, there is a salt lake, the banks of which stood the resort of the same name. The beginnings of the resort dates from the second half of the
nineteenth century, the first settlements were described by writer Alexander Vlahuţă in Romania picturesque
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