About Maramures - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Maramures recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (7 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Maramures, Maramures
Maramures is an administrative unit which was established after the Great Union of 1918 when the south of the country became part of Maramures Romania during the interwar Maramures County (wars) included only the Northeast over Gutai Mountains, the current county and the residence was the town of Sighet.
Maramures County is located in the north of the country, is bordered by the counties of Satu Mare, Salaj, Cluj, Bistrita and Suceava Năsăud or north is bounded by the border with Ukraine, with an area of 6,215 km ² (2.6% of the country) and a varied landscape morphology and geologically complex.
The mountain area is 43% owned Eastern Carpathians, the hilly area (hills, plains and foothills) about 30% and the low (depressions, floodplains and terraces) the remaining 27% of the county. The main mountain units are Rodna Mountains (the highest), Maramures Mountains and the volcanic chain Ignis-Gutai-Ţibleş.
The hydrographic network is represented by major rivers Tisa, Viseu, Iza, Lapus and Somes.
Because of these natural resources in Maramures county were declared by Decree 204/1997 and HCJ 37/1994, 20 natural sites, nature reserves of national and scientific reserve Pietrosu Mare (included in the territorial scope Rodna National Park) is included world program of UNESCO - "Man and Biosphere" with Delta and Yosemite National Park.
Maramures | Maramures is a county in Maramures region in the north-western Romania, residing in Baia Mare. In terms of traditional culture, the current district consists of four areas (ethno-folklore) distinct Chioarului Country, Country Lapus, Maramures Country (half
northeast of Maramures History) and Country Codrului (south-west) , plus Metropolitan Area Baia Mare
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