About Moldovita - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Moldova is a small town in northern Moldavia, Suceava county. She became best known for the monastery.
Regions of the country is mentioned for the first time in chancery documents of Alexander the Good, the beginning of the fifteenth century - century, when Prince gives Monastery Moldova Moldova these lands. The document does not mention the existence of inhabitants.
Was documented in 1443 forming a community free from forest monastery outside of Moldova, by establishing and transhumance shepherds in Transylvania was populated in the second half of the 16th century Hutsuls, scattered from their homes, and land Pocutiei Cernohora Mountains , and the Germanic nations, and Swabians in Teresa tipterii cooperage, timber exploitation and processing it. Hutsul became the majority population since the 1700s, and their original culture and civilization and today dominates the village. Hutsul are an independent ethnic group in the Nordic and Eastern Carpathians, with the ancestors and pastors Volokh free Dacians, but following a different course of history.
The varied landscape, Moldova is the largest village settlement in the county, with the high altitude slopes Feredeului: Pascanu, 1479 m, Tomnaticul Breakfast, 1351 m, Turculova, 1257 m, Chicera Mica, 1294 m, but up to 1200 meters in Obcina Mare.
In 2003 was established "Village Museum" to preserve and promote culture and civilization Hutu, in 2004 was edited and published "Travel Guide monographic sketch Moldova and in 2006 was built a shelter for equestrian tourism stage.
Moldovita | Moldova is a small town in northern Moldavia, Suceava county. She became best known for the monastery.
Regions of the country is mentioned for the first time in chancery documents of Alexander the Good, the beginning of the fifteenth century - century, when Prince gives Monastery Moldova Moldova these lands
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