About Murighiol - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Murighiol recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (81 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Murighiol, Delta Dunarii
City Murighiol is attractive for those who spend their vacations in the Delta.
Murighiol town with a rich history that comes from the ancient hearth of the village were present when the Black Sea port, and the old Danubiu, enjoy some advantages they have only a few Romanian localities.
Two steps from the village opens kingdom of Delta waters. Murighiol Razelm Lakes and surrounds the city, and the cobweb of canals around these lakes can get into areas of the wildest and picturesque Danube Delta Biosphere Reserved. Besides the lush landscape of water specific provinces, which constitute an irresistible attraction for nature lovers, MURIGHIOL has the advantage of being accessible to tourists who do not have enough time to vacation.
Murighiol arrive in Tulcea on a county road about 50 km that runs parallel with St. George's River. Thus, in Bucharest and the seaside can be reached in two steps from the heart of the Delta, Murighiol in 4-5 hours, compared to the way that tourists would be difficult to go through with another boat to visit the picturesque Inside the Delta.
Murighiol | City Murighiol is attractive for those who spend their vacations in the Delta.
Murighiol town with a rich history that comes from the ancient hearth of the village were present when the Black Sea port, and the old Danubiu, enjoy some advantages they have only a few Romanian localities
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