About Ocna Sugatag - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ocna Sugatag recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (17 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ocna Sugatag, Maramures
Held on the history and legend, set in a natural setting for an excellent landscape beauty, at the foot of Gutai, a vast panorama where you can admire the Maramures mountains that close like a fortress wall Depression Maramures, Ocna Sugatag lies at the crossing roads dating from historical times, today the area representing a famous tourist area.
Thanks to its geographical position in the Maramures depression and its economic development, the area has a strong network of paved roads making connections with other towns in the Valley Iza and Viseu.
In terms of tourism, by exploiting the natural resources of water and sodium chloro-specific advantage of climatic factors and their effects, the village enjoys a Ocna Sugatag impressive tourist influx, the largest sky area of this part of the country, renowned for the treatment of diseases rheumatism, to fatigue and burnout and to combat chronic inflammatory processes.
The beauty of landscape and places, clean air mountain spa resort near the place, "Woods Craiasca 'nature reserve (with oak and larch trees), customs and traditions (such Tânjaua - celebrating the first manager came out with the plow plowing) , weekly cattle fair, splendor and grandeur of other local traditions, local architecture style buildings, existing in neighboring villages of the natural springs (Borcutului Breb village), are a place for rest and recreation leave and weekends.
Beneficial for the entire county of Maramures and not only renowned climatic spa resort with its own specific effects of the hotels for accommodation with associated facilities, modern treatment facilities, cafeteria own space to practice some sports, clubs, pools, pools outdoors, beaches, shops, parks and other recreational facilities, qualified personnel in other specialties plus hotel rooms, other institutions, as well as possibilities of accommodation in Maramures style houses, other private spaces serving the same purpose, general trend of urbanization of the locality by the massive expansion of the built environment: buildings, villas, holiday houses, institutions, private enterprise in the economic as well as a wide range of services offers by this time, urban look of this place with so much resonance in the heart of Maramures.
The resort features:
• chlorinated mineral water, soda and calcined;
• two large pools and a small cold mineral water for bathing and aeroheliotherapy;
• electrotherapy equipment;
• aerosol systems;
• Vani two tanks and three heated mineral water;
• equipment for physiotherapy;
• paraffin wraps;
• led underwater and galvanic baths
Ocna Sugatag can be reached by road following the national road linking DN18 Baia Mare Sighet or rail to the town of Sighet in the station where you can get means of transportation to the resort.
Ocna Sugatag | Held on the history and legend, set in a natural setting for an excellent landscape beauty, at the foot of Gutai, a vast panorama where you can admire the Maramures mountains that close like a fortress wall Depression Maramures, Ocna Sugatag lies at the
crossing roads dating from historical times, today the area representing a famous tourist area
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