About Onesti - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Honesty is located in Depression-Casin Tazlău at an altitude of 210 m. Lowest point of the city is 180 m in the valley Trotuşului. The highest hill is 240 m Cuciur.
46 ° 13'N geographical position (latitude) and 26 ° 47'E (longitude), about 60 km SW of the city of Bacau residence.
Onesti city is located at the confluence of the rivers Oituz Tazlău and Casin Trotuş River.
The climate is temperate continental temperatures ranging from -25 degrees Celsius in winter and 35 degrees Celsius in summer. Vegetation is typical temperate continental zone: coniferous, deciduous, climbing plants and rare plants that are in reserve "Perchiu" protected area included the site of Community importance - Hill Perchiu.
Onesti | Honest is a Tier 2 city in Bacău County, Moldavia, Romania.
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