About Partizani - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Partizani recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Partizani, Delta Dunarii
City of Maliuc belonging situated 8 miles from the Sulina arm of the Danube, Tulcea County. Distance from the city of Tulcea is 20 km.
Past settlement is related to rectification works Sulina branch. Thus, around a plateau due to deposition of soil from dredging activities have built several homes. Then the village has grown in length, as we see it today.
The main activities of the inhabitants are fish, and livestock and agricultural activities taking place mainly in private households. Agritourism is another activity Partizani villagers.
Access to the village:
Access can be achieved either by river, and land on the main road until the town of Tulcea Murighiol lily (13km), where it will cross the Sf Gheorghe's Ferry, followed by a 7 km road route undeveloped until in Partizani.
Partizani | City of Maliuc belonging situated 8 miles from the Sulina arm of the Danube, Tulcea County. Distance from the city of Tulcea is 20 km.
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