About Piatra Neamt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Piatra Neamt recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (17 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Piatra Neamt, Moldavia
Piatra Neamt - Neamt county - is situated on Bistrita River Valley, more specifically, its exit of the mountains at the confluence with the brook Cuiejdi. Piatra Neamt is located in an intra-mountain basin at an altitude of 310 m, guarded by Pietricica peaks (590 m) south-east Cozla (679 m) north, Cernegura (852 m) south-west Cârloman (617 m) north-west and Bâtca Lady (462 m) south-west.
The city enjoys all the advantages of a unique nature, a temperate continental climate with short summers, cool and pleasant, long autumns, mild winters without frost and snow in abundance large. It is a "paradise" like a holiday resort. With such a natural setting, with easy connections to all points of the compass, the present territory of Piatra Neamt fireplace was a permanent habitation. In Piatra Neamt, the most important rivers are Bistrita Cuiejdi. Among streams with variable flow rates can be mentioned: Ms, salted, Borzoghean. Lakes in the municipality of Piatra Neamt are accumulating Bâtca Lady Lake (255 ha and a volume of approx. 10 million cubic meters, dam formed by the same name) and reconstruction Lake (10 ha and a volume of approx. 250,000 cubic meters of a hydraulic canal that emerges of Bistrita). Both lakes are river Bistrita.
The average altitude is about the river basin. 920 m and is characterized by massive relief and higher altitudes in the west and in the upper basin, and more low to the east and southeast. After 1960, the middle and bottom of the river Bistrita was arranged by building a number of hydropower reservoirs 9 and 13 hydroelectric plants. The largest lake is Spring Mountain, with a volume of 1.12 billion cubic meters.
Until the hydropower system (whose targets range from Mountain Lake - Dam Bicaz to Bacau), act as a genuine Bistrita river artery of communication that the city's economic life depended. In Bistrita came rafts which ensured the necessary raw materials for lumber and paper mills and all it was a sure way Bacau about it and the Danube ports. In the city, the river had an average width of 50 m and a flow of 50mc / s, which, however impressive changes that have oscillated between 3 and 1080 m / s, so that sometimes big floods were devastating to the riparian character. After building the reservoir and operation Bicaz the entire hydropower system, the economic role and appearance have changed Bistrita. Rafts have disappeared, the source appeared clean hydroelectric power, water flow has not known variations of the past, there were beautiful lakes and dams which alter the whole aspect of Bistrita river bed. This picturesque region has intensified and increased its tourist potential.
The earliest traces of human habitation on the territory of present-Neamt county dates from Upper Paleolithic (ca. 100,000 years BC), being particularly highlighted Bistriţa Valley, where they discovered numerous archaeological sites
Piatra Neamt | Piatra Neamt - Neamt county - is situated on Bistrita River Valley, more specifically, its exit of the mountains at the confluence with the brook Cuiejdi. Piatra Neamt is located in an intra-mountain basin at an altitude of 310 m, guarded by Pietricica
peaks (590 m) south-east Cozla (679 m) north, Cernegura (852 m) south-west Cârloman (617 m) north-west and Bâtca Lady (462 m) south-west
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