About Ploiesti - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ploiesti recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (9 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ploiesti, Muntenia
Ploiesti is located in the heart of Wallachia, north-central part of the Romanian Plain.
Ploiesti, one of the most important cities of the country, is the shortest distance from the capital, and although over four centuries has had close links with it, he kept his personality.
The town lies between two great rivers, the first of them, Prahova, south-west, reaching the common suburban city easy Trees and the second Teleajen north and east through suburban communes străbătându it Blejoi, Bucov , Berceni. The city is situated on Dambu River, which flows into the city Băicoi hillside, overlooking the city and two suburban joint and then Rafov village, where they flow into Teleajen.
The date of incorporation and the first inhabitants of a town with little Ploiesti name written testimony. After Balcescu, there was the time of Mircea the Elder, a "Captain of Ploiesti (ca. 1413). As to the documentary, stop all work history to 1503, when dating the first appearance of name acts carters Brasov Ploiesti, Dragoi, Tudor Neagu and others. The presence of Ploiesti markets of cities in Transylvania have a name denotes that the city and an economic base to allow him to enter into commercial relationships with centers across the mountains. The name appears in a charter of 1567, signed by Romanian prince of Peter the Younger, which reinforced a sale of "five Razoare" alive among some of Ploiesti Avruţ steward of Bărcăneşti Coresi
The average annual temperature is 10.5 ° C and minimum and maximum values were recorded in our century of -30 ° C to 25 January 1942 and 43 ° C respectively on 19 July 2007. On average, 17 days per year are cold, 26 cold, 99 hot, 30 rain, the rest days with moderate temperatures.
The average altitude is 150 m settlement, the city is thus placed in a plain area. Soil and subsoil appearance is determined by its location on the old structures dejection cone of Prahova river, passing through the bed now located about 25 km - west of the river Teleajen (east side), with its tributary, brook Dambu, which crosses the north-eastern districts.
At the 2002 census the city had 232,527 inhabitants
Ploiesti not entered the modern era with a rich architectural inventory. Michael the Brave courts existed only in legend and the palaces Muruzeştilor relatively small, lasted no more than two decades or so. In the past century, let alone in our own, to build more. He began to take shape, especially with family Socolescu architects, Ploiesti style or at least a local version of national style.
If the zeppelin bombing Ploiesti in 1916 brought little damage to buildings, however the 1944 bombing led to the destruction of thousands of homes and buildings. Earthquakes in 1940 and 1977 have seriously affected the city. When collapsed some of the oldest churches in the city, with homes and remarkable buildings
Ploiesti | Ploiesti, one of Romania's major cities, capital of Prahova County, is seated in the center of Wallachia, north-central part of the Romanian Plain, situated 60 km north of Bucharest. The current area surrounding the town is about 60 km ²
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