About Predeal - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Predeal recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (668 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Predeal, Valea Prahovei
Predeal Romania is located in Prahova Valley, between the rivers Prahova and Timis, at the foot of the Bucegi mountains northeast of them and the mountains of northwest Baiului. Predeal is the highest city in the country, at an altitude of 1030m, 1110m,
Prahova Valley area mountain climate with cool summers and cold winters, make Predeal to be a real tourist in all seasons. Predeal offer lovely views and is recommended both for recreation and for recovery of recovering the air and humid and polluted, but for winter sports like skiing, snowboarding or sledding.
Attractions of the resort are ski slopes with different degrees of difficulty, ski slope on Rasnoavei Valley, mountain routes marked for tourism in recent years made ATV trails, chairlifts and ski lifts on Clabucet.
Mountains surrounding the city offers unforgettable feasibility of hiking and admiring the landscapes: Piatra Mare (1843m) at North Bucegi Mountains (2505m at Omu Peak) to the southwest and I keep Postavarul (1799m) in the Northwest.
Point of interest
* Tourist mountain surroundings
(Seven Stairs Canyon, Niagara Tamina, ice cave, gorge Rasnoavei)
* St. Nicholas Monastery
* Orthodox Church of Saints Constantine and Helen
* Roman Catholic Chapel Lower Timişul
* The Roman Catholic Monastery Timişul Netherlands
* Monument - Valley Rasnoavei
* Michael Saulescu Monument
* Monument of Predeal station
Difficulty of ski trails Length (m)
Rooster: mean, 2250m, Clabucet: mean, 2100m, Subteleferic: hard, 1200m, Clabucet arrival (lit artificial snow) light, 800m, Clabucet version (snow machines): light, 790m, Clabucet school: easy, 200m, Subteleferic st. inf.: very easy, 670m, Cold Brook, average 520m.
Predeal | Predeal Romania is located in Prahova Valley, between the rivers Prahova and Timis, at the foot of the Bucegi mountains northeast of them and the mountains of northwest Baiului. Predeal is the highest city in the country, at an altitude of 1030m, 1110m,
Prahova Valley area mountain climate with cool summers and cold winters, make Predeal to be a real tourist in all seasons
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