About Rasinari - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Rasinari recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Rasinari, Marginimea Sibiului
Rasinari village is situated in south-east at 12 km from Sibiu county is one of the oldest communities in Sibiu Surroundings. Just a few kilometers from the mountain resort offers a natural setting Paltinis to spend a great holiday in the mountains with family and loved ones.
The village is connected to the city by a tram line crosses and Forest Grove. In this connection Rasinari Sibiu playing the play "A Streetcar Named Smith" with the actors at the National Theatre Radu Stanca.
The area is valued in terms of scenic beauty for tourists but for local customs and traditions, such as harvesting pine resin, giving occupation and name of the locality.
In common Rasinari were born and some people who later became literary figures or scientists: Emil Cioran, Octavian Goga, Hilary Mitrea (founder of Antipa Museum - Bucharest) and others.
Rasinari | Rasinari village is situated in south-east at 12 km from Sibiu county is one of the oldest communities in Sibiu Surroundings. Just a few kilometers from the mountain resort offers a natural setting Paltinis to spend a great holiday in the mountains with
family and loved ones
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