About Resita - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Resita, Caras-Severin county, is located in southwestern Romania, in the north-west of the county, on the middle of the river Bârzava in a geographical area of a very picturesque and attractive tourist attractions. Resita steel mill is the oldest center of Romania and one of the most important industrial city in south-eastern Europe.
Resita has long been regarded as the second center of the Romanian steel. Iron steel industry, steel, rolled, machine building (electrical and diesel oil equipment, steel and chemical, rolling stock), chemical (chemical processing of wood, coke). It has a population of 83,985 inhabitants (in 2004). It is an important industrial center in the machine and steel processing.
Historically, the city is attested from the fifteenth century with the name and Rechycha Rechyoka. Archaeological research in this area have found traces of habitation from the Neolithic, Dacian and Roman. It is mentioned in 1673 with the name Reszinitza, whose people were paying taxes to pashalik Timisoara and in the years 1690-1700, depending on the source of a District Bocse remember that together with other localities in the Valley Barzava.
Census of 1717 mentions a name Retziza, having 62 households imposed by new Austrian rule instituted here. 3 July 1771 she became the founding place of the oldest and important metallurgical center on the European continent. With the birth of plants, the foundations of industrial Resita. Initially, there were two nearby villages - Romanian Resita (Reschiza Kamer or Olah Resitza) and Resita Montana (Eisenwerk Reschitza, Nemeti Reschitza or Resiczbanya). Plants were placed in Resita Montana Romanian Carbunari inhabited early. Later in 1776, 70 were colonized by German families originating in Styria, Carinthia and Upper Austria, and between 1782-1787 Rhineland German families. Between 1910 - 1925, Resita had the status of a rural commune, and since 1925 has been declared the city as a result of its strong recognition of the size of the center of the great industries of steel and machine building in modern Romania. Since 1968, Law no. 2 in the administrative organization of the territory was given the degree of city, capital of Caras-Severin.
Resita | Resita, Caras-Severin county, is located in southwestern Romania, in the north-west of the county, on the middle of the river Bârzava in a geographical area of a very picturesque and attractive tourist attractions
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