About Roman - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Roman recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Roman, Moldavia
Roman city is located on the outskirts of the Moldavian Plateau, at the confluence of Siret and Moldova, the main traffic artery of Moldova, both rail as part of the route Bucharest - Suceava - Chernivtsi - Warsaw and the European interest E85 road, connecting Poland and Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and the Middle East.
Roman city is at a distance of 325 km from Bucharest, 40 km from Bacau, Iasi 81 km 47 km from Piatra Neamt, 101 km to 90 km from Suceava and Vaslui.
Roman city is situated in Neamt County is part of Region North - East.
Roman | Rome is a city of Neamţ County, Moldavia, Romania. It is located in the central part of the plateau Moldova, Neamţ County at the confluence of Siret and Moldova.
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