About Rucar - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Rucar village in Arges county is situated on the southern tip of depressions with valences charming historical and tourist Bran - Rucar, the old trade route and diplomatic country road that connects the cities of Brasov and the ancient seat of the Romanian Country, Campulung, Targoviste and later, Bucharest, near the parallel 45 degrees north, on Route 73 between Pitesti - Campulung - Brasov.
Stretched over an area of almost 30 000 ha, has a total of 6920 inhabitants, according to the latest census of population, their concerns are varied palette, from the traditional (wood harvesting and livestock), household (tissue) to the craft, commercial, industrial or even owned resources and endowment exploatariii landscape - tourism. Located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level on the southern slope of the majestic peaks of the M-affine National Park and also at the southern foot of Fagaras massif, the lower portion of the mountain chain formed their Iezer Doll, the city Rucar is at an almost equal distance from Campulung and Bran (25-30 km) and so the residences adjacent counties Brasov (Brasov) and Dambovita (Targoviste), or native of the county, Arges (Pitesti) 63-72 km.
Crossed by two courses of rivers - and its tributary Rausor Dambovita, stretches from the border town and to the bottom Dragoslavele long axis, and the spurs of the Western outskirts of Dambovita Valley LEAOTA to otic, and then right, latitudinally effect on Rausorului Valley, to its source in Mount doll.
Rucar village is located in Arges county, in a beautiful valley crossed by the Dambovita River and Carpathian DN 73 of Campulung (24 km) and Bran (33 km) - Brasov (61 km), at an altitude of 630 m and forms part much wider area of Rucar - Bran that each side has its Mountains National Park, Bucegi Leaota.
Today, Rucar is both a tourist area, but also a significant operating center forestiera.In surroundings can make for interesting excursions and cave Dambovicioara keys, common Dragoslavele Mausoleum on Mateias (all on Route 73), as well as keys to Ghimbav (tributary to the left of Dambovita), which is reached from hydroelectric Rucar.
Rucar | Rucar village in Arges county is situated on the southern tip of depressions with valences charming historical and tourist Bran - Rucar, the old trade route and diplomatic country road that connects the cities of Brasov and the ancient seat of the Romanian
Country, Campulung, Targoviste and later, Bucharest, near the parallel 45 degrees north, on Route 73 between Pitesti - Campulung - Brasov
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