About Sangeorgiu de Mures - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Sangeorgiu de Mures recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (48 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sangeorgiu de Mures, Transilvania

Sangeorgiu de Mures is a village in the county of Mures, Transylvania, Romania. It is located north of Targu Mures on road DN 15 Targu Mures - Reghin, at a distance of 5 km from Targu Mures 27 km from Reghin.

The resort "Baile Sarate Sangeorgiu de Mures" is famous for its salt water and mineral sludge and has been known since 1880. The water has the highest iodine concentration in Transylvania (11.4 mg / l). Baths is at an altitude of 320 meters and cover an area of ​​over 13 hectares.

The salt baths can be found in the Apollo Wellness Club Hotel.

The salted waters of Sangeorgiu resemble the main spring Szobranc, Switzerland, as well as the waters of Untere-Quelle in Switzerland, the latter containing much less hydrogen sulphide and only half sodium chloride compared to the waters of Sangeorgiu. Mures.

Spa treatment procedures that can be performed:
- Mud packing is indicated for chronic, degenerative, rheumatic disorders, chronic gynecological disorders, chronic disorders of the peripheral nervous system (paresthesias, paresis, neurogenic muscle atrophy, functional endocrine disorders).
- Bath salt pool and whirlpool are indicated in chronic musculoskeletal disorders, genital suffering chronic hypothyroidism.
- Hydrotherapy: underwater shower (indicated in motor deficits of different causes, muscular atrophy, post-traumatic disorders, obesity, hypothyroidism) and Scottish shower (indicated in obesity, hypothyroidism, disorders of surface circulation regulation, thermoregulatory disorders, habitual constipation, constipation as the qualification procedure).
- Aerosols are indicated in otolaryngological disorders (sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, laryngitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis), bronchopulmonary disorders (asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis).
- Kinetotherapy objectives are to restore muscle strength and increase muscular endurance, increase and adapt the capacity of effort, improve the function of coordination, control and balance, relaxation, correction of posture and alignment of the body, increase of joint mobility, re-education of respiration, re-education.
- Massage stimulates the respiratory and circulatory function, increases basal metabolism, beneficial effects on general health (sleep, nervous asthenia).
- Reflexotherapy improves circulation, balances metabolism, reduces nervous tension, promotes normal recovery of blood circulation in the affected organ or area
rebalances the blood and lymph circulation, improves the internal organs and metabolism, and to increase the immunity of the organism.
- Electrotherapy: low frequency currents (voltage, trabert, diadynamic currents, galvanic current, four cell galvanic baths, underwater shower and Stranger general galvanic bath); medium frequency currents (interferential currents); high frequency currents (short waves); ultrasound; magnet; laser therapy; phototherapy (ultraviolet radiation The infrared radiation).

Sangeorgiu de Mures | Sangeorgiu de Mures is a village in the county of Mures, Transylvania, Romania. It is located north of Targu Mures on road DN 15 Targu Mures - Reghin, at a distance of 5 km from Targu Mures 27 km from Reghin

Information source 

Top hotels in Sangeorgiu de Mures

Complex Apollo Wellness Club, Sangeorgiu de Mures

Complex Apollo Wellness Club    

   Score 9.1/10 out of 48 reviews

Sangeorgiu de Mures, Transilvania, Romania

  • Hotel with indoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Pensiunea Crinul, Sangeorgiu de Mures

Pensiunea Crinul

Sangeorgiu de Mures, Transilvania, Romania

  • Hotel family hotels  
  • No transport provided

Map of hotels Sangeorgiu de Mures

Travel map Sangeorgiu de Mures

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Clients remarks about Sangeorgiu de Mures


Miki, group of friends 01/14/2025DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Sorina, 12/28/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Corina, couple 12/10/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

in regulă


Client, couple 11/15/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler



carmen, group of friends 11/07/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Razvan, couple 11/05/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Oras frumos


Olimpiu, couple 09/27/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Petronela, couple 09/24/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Adriana, 09/24/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Cristian, couple 09/22/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Tot Ardealul e o zona foarte frumoasa si civilizata, mai putin Clujul, sunt nesimtiti, ca si Umil Boc.


Onut Ion, group of friends 08/29/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Florina, couple 08/13/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Eugen, 08/11/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Statiunea e una placuta si totodata orasul are o tinuta frumoasa avand in vedere ca este doar un sat.


Pompiliu, lonely traveler 08/07/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Anna L., couple 07/09/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Florin, family with children 06/29/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Gheorghe, group of friends 04/25/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Anca, couple 03/27/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Nu e statiune, doar un hotel cu SPA


IZABELA, group of friends 12/18/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Este statiune cuu orasel mic


Gabriel , group of friends 11/11/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

aproape de targu Mure.


Beck, couple 10/23/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Dalma, couple 05/30/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Carmen, couple 05/23/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


zsolt, couple 03/28/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler



Csiki, couple 03/26/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


ANDA, group of friends 10/31/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

nu exista statiune...


Emma, group of friends 10/17/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Ioana, family with children 09/19/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


MARIANA, group of friends 08/31/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Mirela, group of friends 08/10/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


ZSOLT, couple 06/14/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

amplasare si amenajare foarte buna.curata si ordonata.


Dorin, family with children 03/24/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


zsolt, couple 09/09/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler



Mihaela, couple 08/24/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Ora?ul este anost.


Raluca, family with children 08/11/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Daniela, group of friends 08/04/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Crina, group of friends 07/24/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Sta?iunea ofera zone variate de agrement astfel incat compenseaza faptul ca in zona nu se regasesc alte obiective.


Bogdan, family with children 07/04/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler


marilena, couple 03/14/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler



STEFN, couple 10/02/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Gabriel, group of friends 09/13/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Emil, couple 07/11/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Daniela, group of friends 07/06/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


erika, group of friends 01/12/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Gheorghe, couple 09/18/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler



Ciprian, couple 03/22/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


Gabriela, couple 12/16/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

De vizitattargu Mures (centru istoric, cetatea medievala); Reghin si imprejurimi


Susann, family with children 03/27/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

Sangheorgiu is some km from tirgu Mures, where you can go out at night

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