About Sapanta - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sapanta village is located on the right bank of the Tisza River in the valley of the terrace, near the confluence Sapanta and Tisza, in the extreme north of Romania, Maramures Country. The village is situated about 18 km from Sighet Marmatiei.
Village area is approximately 150 square kilometers and includes meadows, terraced hills and mountains. The settlement is dominated by Sapanta Stone, an impressive volcanic formation.
Attested in the 1300s, known in 1373 under the name "Zapancha" Sapanta city, part of the historical Maramures, his name may be derived after the statement poet John Alexander, from the Latin Sapientia (wisdom).
With a homogeneous population, the Romanian town was at the end of the fourteenth century, owned by Stan, Peter, Toader, Dan Tivadar, property received from the Romanian Moldavian princes as a right ought to be.
On its territory there are mineral springs bicarbonate, sodium, calcium, chloride with a high concentration of bicarbonate ions. Residents use the water in treating gastritis, peptic disease and cholecystitis (for this carbon dioxide is removed by shaking).
Residents of the area are known Sapanta handicrafts that are produced here, and costumes made RUGS. But really Sapanta became known in Romania and abroad due to the Merry Cemetery in the village.
Currently, Sapanta is one of the great and beautiful rural community in Maramures, which draws in all seasons but especially in summer, an increased number of visitors in the country, in Europe but also from distant Japan, Sapanta name became a landmark in a tourism geography worldwide.
Sapanta | Sapanta village is located on the right bank of the Tisza River in the valley of the terrace, near the confluence Sapanta and Tisza, in the extreme north of Romania, Maramures Country. The village is situated about 18 km from Sighet Marmatiei
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