About Satu Mare - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
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Satu Mare (Hungarian: Szatmárnémeti, German: Sathmar, old Romanian name: Satmar) is the capital and largest city of Satu Mare, Romania.
Located at an altitude of 126 m from the Black Sea, the city is sitting on a terrace up from the meadow below related Somes.
Being a border town, has openings through the road communication at the border with Hungary Petya, rail and Ukraine, the customs Halmeu. Internal links are created by the main route that comes from going to Baia Mare and Oradea Sighet (by Oaş), and one from Zalau. Another port of entry and exit not only domestic but also international, is one created by the airline Bucharest - Satu Mare and temporary airlines operated from northern Europe.
From the geomorphological point of view, the city is located on Somes meadow on both sides of the river, narrowed in the city and extensive RNAi upstream and downstream of it, flooded during heavy rainfall, alluvial plains in prelugirea floodplain has raised various configurations in the border city (ridges, valleys depressive plains micro depressions, abandoned riverbeds, etc..).
The current relief training area in the late Pliocene city dating from the tertiary era, is related to clogging of the Pannonian Lake. Soil stratigraphy is represented by deposits of sand, loess, gravel, with generally 160-180 cm thick, over which, due to vegetation and podzolic soils were formed, creating conditions conducive to such agricultural crops (cereals, vegetables, trees trees).
Satu Mare has a moderate continental temperate climate. Periods of winter, because the northern settlement, are longer and colder in Satu Mare, cold season average heat value was lower (-17 ° C) than values in other cities in the West (-15 ° C to Oradea - Timisoara 12 ° C).
Atmospheric humidity is high. Regime is characterized by the predominance of winds from the north-west currents that bring rain in spring and summer.
Hydrographic network in the city of Satu Mare is the Somes River, in northern Sar bet and bet Homorod south. Formation and evolution of Satu Mare has been closely linked to the Somes River, which in addition to the conditions conducive to human habitation of a community around him, offered since the early Middle Ages, the possibility of extensive trade links with neighboring regions of this water has favored the milling, fishing, etc..
Satu Mare | Satu Mare (Hungarian: Szatmárnémeti, German: Sathmar, old Romanian name: Satmar) is the capital and largest city of Satu Mare, Romania.
Located at an altitude of 126 m from the Black Sea, the city is sitting on a terrace up from the meadow below related Somes
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