About Semenic - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Semenic resort is situated in the mountains with the same name. Semenic Mountains is the most important subunit of the Banat Mountains. Included in the southern group of the Western Carpathians, culminating with the top Gozna Stone (1447 meters) and peak Semenic (1445 meters).
Complex is located at over 1400 m altitude, between peaks and Semenic Gozna Stone.
However the climate is mild and easily tolerable, even for young children. In winter temperatures range from -25 C to 6 gr g C g C in summer between 10 and 25 ° C.
Because Semenic is one of the few places in the country where snow persists for approximately six months per year, have developed winter sports. Here is the first time it snows in late October, and skiers can enjoy the snow and sometimes even in May.
To reach the tourist resort can choose between two access roads. First through Resita - Ovens - Valiug (Franzdorf) - Prislop - Semen, and the second by Caransebes - Slatina Timis - New Brebu (Weidental) - Three Waters - Prislop - Semen. In winter it is best to be the version used Resita.
Semenic | Semenic resort is situated in the mountains with the same name. Semenic Mountains is the most important subunit of the Banat Mountains. Included in the southern group of the Western Carpathians, culminating with the top Gozna Stone (1447 meters) and peak
Semenic (1445 meters)
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