About Sfantu Gheorghe Covasna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sfantu Gheorghe Covasna recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sfantu Gheorghe Covasna, Transilvania
From a cultural point of view, Sfantu Gheorghe city has 2 theaters, a county library, 2 museums and Art Galleries.
At only 8km from Sfantu Gheorghe is the Sugas Bai Baleoclimaterica resort where treatments can be done throughout the year because the resort has mineral water springs and skunks suitable for cardiac and respiratory diseases.The main economic activities in this city are the trade, the textile and clothing industry and the processing of milk and meat.
Sfantu Gheorghe Covasna | Sfântu Gheorghe municipality is located in the depression of Brașov, crossed by the river Olt and reaches an altitude of 550 m. It is located at the intersection of several roads, the most important being DN12 that connects the municipality of Brasov with
the municipality of Miercurea-Ciuc
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