About Targu Jiu - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Târgu Jiu Jiu is called, which permeates it and which over time has moved from the bed Deluşorul Prejba west, forming three terraces which are administrative area of the city. Fireplace Dacian a village before the Romans conquered Dacia, its territory was formerly covered large expanses of wild forests. He gave such a good shelter residents defending against foreign invasions.
Intersecting major thoroughfares here that links between the Danube in Transylvania and Banat. The Roman military units stationed around him, encamped in fortified settlements. During the wars of conquest of Dacia, part of the Roman army, according to historical evidence, passed through town.
The city is situated in the geographical area Subcarpathians tems, Targu-Jiu in the Depression - Campu Mare, one of the largest sub-Carpathian depressions interhill between North and Sub Gorj Bran Hill, south to the confluence with Jiu Amaradiei stones. It stretches 13 km from north to south and 10 km from east to west on both banks of the Jiu.
The climate is temperate continental hill, with 190 days without frost, unevenly distributed rainfall, the dominant wind from the north, the Jiu Valley.
According to the 2002 census, the city population was 96,641 inhabitants, of which Romanian 96.79% (93,546 persons), 3.01% Roma (Gypsy, 2916 persons) and 0.20% other nationalities. From the religious point of view, is overwhelmingly Orthodox population (98.31% or 95,008 believers).
The population has risen from Gorj and the young heroine of the original Teodoroiu Vădeni Catherine, today district of the town, who gave his life to defend their ancestral land during the 1917 fighting in Marasesti. To honor its memory and other heroes of Gorj in 1937 was conducted under the direction of Constantin Brancusi, monumental ensemble became famous all over the world.
During the second World War, following the order of General Ion Antonescu, 12 February 1941, Targu Jiu was built in a concentration camp who were imprisoned thousands of activists among them Nicolae Ceausescu. The camp operated until 23 August 1944.
Targu Jiu | Târgu Jiu Jiu is called, which permeates it and which over time has moved from the bed Deluşorul Prejba west, forming three terraces which are administrative area of the city. Fireplace Dacian a village before the Romans conquered Dacia, its territory
was formerly covered large expanses of wild forests
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