About Timisu De Jos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Timisu De Jos recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (17 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Timisu De Jos, Transilvania
Timișu de Jos (in Hungarian Alsótömös, in German Untertömösch) is a component locality of Predeal city in Brașov county, Transylvania, Romania. The locality is located at a distance of 2 km from Brașov on DN 1 at the exit to Bucharest, on the Timis Valley, having to the northwest the Postăvarul Massif and to the southeast the Piatra Mare Massif. The area is considered as a tourist attraction for its picturesque, but also because it is from here to several interesting destinations. Accommodation is provided in villas, cottages and guest houses.
Mountain Routes: Timișu de Jos-Cabana Bunloc, Timișu de Jos-Cabana Piatra Mare, Timișu de Jos-Cabana Postăvaru.
Tourist destinations: Timișu de Jos Roman-Catholic chapel, Timișu de Jos Roman-Catholic monastery, Tamina Waterfall, Seven Stairs Canyon, Bear Bear Peak.
The Seven Stairs canyon is located in the Piatra Mare Massif in the Baiului Mountains and is one of the most famous canyons in the country. Due to the arrangements made, stairs and bridges, the route is very accessible without the need for special equipment.
Fir forests, rocks and rivers with crystalline water complete the landscape of the Timisul de Jos mountain resort.
Timisu De Jos | Timișu de Jos (in Hungarian Alsótömös, in German Untertömösch) is a component locality of Predeal city in Brașov county, Transylvania, Romania.
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